We believe that we can achieve the most with sustainability and the green transition when more people work together in close partnerships.

Getting to Zero Coalition
Port of Aarhus is part of the Getting to Zero Coalition along with over 200 prominent actors in the maritime, energy, infrastructure, and finance sectors. Here, we work towards the ambitious goal of having a commercially viable zero-emission deep-sea vessel powered by zero-emission fuel in operation by 2030 towards full decarbonization by 2050.

Port of Aarhus is part of EcoPort, the largest environmental initiative in the European port industry. Our policies and guidelines are adjusted according to EcoPorts' certification for sustainable ports - the Port Environmental Review System (PERS). This ensures that our work is based on the same structure across Europe, contributing to transparency regarding sustainability.

Emissions-Free Machinery
Port of Aarhus is part of a Center for Public-Private Innovation scaling process for innovative public procurement in the construction site area. The partnership brings together public clients for joint market dialogue with private suppliers. The purpose is to develop demand for emissions-free machinery, thereby pushing for CO₂ reductions from machinery and reducing noise and air pollution.

Energy Track and Trace
Energy Track and Trace is a European project aimed at developing tools to track sustainable electricity in real-time, laying the groundwork for simultaneity certificates. The goal is a regulated system with common standards for certifying green electricity across Europe. Port of Aarhus contributes to the project with requirements and wishes from the industrial user side, as well as with data to test and verify the system.

Belief in Partnerships
Our work on sustainability and the green transition doesn't always happen in isolation. We believe that we can achieve the most by bringing together relevant stakeholders.
We operate a sustainability network for businesses in the port area. Here, we meet four times a year to discuss current issues and solutions regarding sustainability and the green transition.